Maybe you do not need a lock-free queue

19 Apr 2023 - John Z. Li

It is said that if someone has a hammer, he will view every problem he encounters as a nail. For low-latency multithreading programming, lock-free queues are sometimes are such a hammer to programmers. The problem is about passing messages between different OS threads with minimal latency impact. Lock-free queues seem a natural choice because that the producer thread and the consumer thread (Let us focus on the simplest case that there is only one producer and only one consumer) do not have to wait on each other: the producer thread can just keep pushing messages to a lock-free queue and the consumer thread just keeps fetching messages (removing) messages from it. While both threads run in their corresponding big loop, no synchronization neeeds ever to happen during the process. The mental model is somehow like below:

|Producer Thread|-->>Lock-free Queue-->|Consumer Thread|

The problem here: Where or how does the producer thread gets information that is needed to generate messages to be consumed by the consumer thread. Since the producer thread needs to get its information from somewhere, often times, from some external source via network, the data rate of the information source actually determins how fast the whole system can go. If there is no data coming in, both threads will wait for new data to come in. Let us further assume that information that comes into the producer thread arrives in the form of messages naturally delimited between each other. When a new message hits the producer thread, the producer thread will start to process it while the consumer thread will wait. When the producer thread finishes processing the incoming message, it will generate a new message and pass it to the consumer thread. On receiving the message, the consumer thread will start to process it. At the same time, the producer thread will start to process new messages if there is any. Let us say that the time needed for the producer thread to retrieve and process a message is T1, and the time needed for the consumer thread to consume a message is T2. There are 2 cases in general:

  1. T1 is bigger than T2, in this case, using a lock-free queue is generally beneficial. Because the more we keep the consumer thread busy, the overall latency of the procedure will be lower. This means, we need to make the consumer thread wait less. This, in turn, means that when there is incoming data available for the producer thread, it is better to proces all of it in a batch and put all generated messages into a queue that wait the consumer thread to fetch.
  2. T1 is smaller than T2, in this case, no matter how fast the producer therad is generating messages, the consumer thread must consume them one by one. If we can make sure that when the consumer thread is consuming one message, there is always another message waits, the overall performance in tersm of latency will be the same as using a lock-free queue (assuming all other factors are equal).

This inspires the author to design a simple flip-flop buffer to communicate between two threads. This idea is in no way new. It is often known at the double-buffer approach. This post is meant to treat it as a simple inter-thread communication facility that in some cases can be used instead of a lock-free queue with strict semantics reagarding thread synchronization. The design is described as below:

The flip-flop buffer contains the following:

  1. Two slots that is good to contain 2 instances of a pointer-like type
  2. One atomic bool called flip with its state managed by the producer thread.
  3. Another atomic bool called flop with its state managed by the consumer thread. A pointer-like type is a light-weight type that is
  4. easy to copy, which means small in size and copying an instance of it is no more expensive than do a memcpy of its facial value.
  5. a nullable type.
  6. owns some underying resource, The lifetime of the underlying resource should end when the instance managing it expires. It is called a pointer-like type because we often use pointers (in languages like C/C++) to express the ownership relation between a managing pointer and resource managed by it.

The algorithm goes like below. Step one: the intial state, the buffer is empty.

|Producer Thread|--flip(false)--[Null]
                                [Null]--flop(true)--|Consumer Thread|

Step two: Producer thread put a message in the buffer, and alter flip to true.

|Producer Thread|--flip(true)  [MsgA]
                             \ [Null]--flop(true)--[Consumer Thread|

Step three: the cosumer thread starts to consume MsgA after alter flop to false. this also means the Producer thread can start to put new MsgB in another slot.

|Producer Thread|--flip(true)    [MsgA]
                           \           \
                            \           \
                            [MsgB]       \--flop(false)--|Consumer Thread|

Step four: After the consumer thread finishes consuming MsgA, it alters flop to true again. And after putting MsgB into the second slot, the producer thread alters flip to false. Now the lifetime of MsgA has ended,

|Producer Thread|--flip(false)--[MsgA(expired)]
                                [MsgB]--flop(true)--|Consumer Thread|

In each case, the thread that alters atomic states uses memory order release, and the thread that read the atomics uses memory order acquire. And flip and flop having the same value means there is new message to be consumed by the consumer thread. And flip not equal to flop means either the consumer thread can access the “current” slot (indicated by the value of flop) or there is no more new data coming.

This design has two extra advantage comparing to lock-free queues:

  1. Object lifetime managment is naturally incoporated into the overall flow. This means resource allocation and deallocation alwyas happen in the same thread. For example, some memroy allocators have trouble if you keep allocating memory in one thread and and deallocating it in another thread. And the resource underneath is objects like reading and write buffers, it is as cheap as to add some counters to reuse the buffer.
  2. This design is more cache-friendly than lock-free queue basically because there is only 2 small memory chucks involved. This can be imporant for low-latency application.