Recurrent minor issues in C++ code: Part 1

17 Mar 2021 - John Z. Li

While reading real-world C++ code in some open-source projects, I noticed the following minor issues appearing again and again:

Use auto i = 0 when one really wants unit64_t or size_t.

Consider the following code snippet from a project I encountered lately:

auto assistant_wheel_index = 0;
        std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(current_assistant_wheel_index_mutex_);
        assistant_wheel_index = GetAssistantWheelIndex(
            current_assistant_wheel_index_ + assistant_ticks);

The variable assistant_wheel_index is deduced as int, but the programmer actually wants an uint64_t. The compiler would complain that a value of uint64_t is assigned to an int, thus might potentially leads to incorrect results. If we change the first line of the code snippet to

auto assistant_wheel_index = 0ul;


auto assistant_wheel_index = 0uul;

The compiler would stop complaining. But, this quick and dirty fix has the following problems.

  1. The first ul suffix in the first fix will make assistant_wheel_index an variable of type usigned long. even on 64-bit systems, it is not guaranteed to be of 64-bit width. On Windows, an unsigned long is of 32-bit width, while on Linux, an unsigned long is of 64-bit width.
  2. The second fix is slightly better, except it still can be wrong strictly speaking. Because the language standard does not guarantee that an usigned long long is of the same size as an uint64_t. Although on most real-world platforms, they are of the same size.

If you want to be pedantically correct, making sure that your code is portable even to most arcane platforms, the line of code can be fixed by

auto assistant_wheel_index = uint64_t{0};

But, hey, please be reminded that we don’t have to always use auto, a plain and old variable definition is and (better?) good:

uint64_t assistant_wheel_index = 0u;

This is just a minor thing, but can be very annoying sometimes. Actually, there is a language proposal that tries to fix this by adding literal suffixes to width-fixed integer types.

The same can happen one wants to index an array, or an vector with a variable of type size_t. C++23 adds a z or Z suffix to integer literals for size_t. Or, maybe you want to go with std::ssize() introduced in C++20, see this stackoverflow post for a discussion.

Using size() == 0 instead of empty() to containers.

For example, in a cpp file of a project, there are the following:

 if (frame_id.size() > 0){\\...}
 if (frame_id.size() == 0) {\\...}

Granted, this is only a minor issue, but but C++ standard library containers do have a empty() member method. sth.empty() is more readable than sth.size() == 0, and !sth.empty() is more readable than sth.size() > 0.

Note: Before C++11, GCC’s implementation of size() for std::list is actually of O(n) time complexity. See this interesting post on why some people think it is a good idea to make the size() method an O(n) operation for lists. From C++11 onward, the language standard mandates that the size() method for all standard containers must return in O(1) time.

Unnecessary static specifier for constexpr global variables.

For example, in a header file that is included by multiple source file, there are the following definitions:

constexpr float minExpPower = -10.0f;
constexpr float maxExpPower = 5.0f;
constexpr int anchorSizeFactor = 2;
constexpr int numScales = 3;

These are all constexpr global variables. Later the author of the code change the piece of code into the following:

static constexpr float minExpPower = -10.0f;
static constexpr float maxExpPower = 5.0f;
static constexpr int anchorSizeFactor = 2;
static constexpr int numScales = 3;

What the author of the code intended to achieve is that he wanted to avoid violating the One Definition Rule. But constexpr implies const, and const global variables have internal linkage. Thus each source file including the header has its own copy of those constexpr variables.

Note: if you are working with C++17, adding the inline specifier to them might be better, as below:

inline constexpr float minExpPower = -10.0f;
inline constexpr float maxExpPower = 5.0f;
inline constexpr int anchorSizeFactor = 2;
inline constexpr int numScales = 3;

This should be the preferred way is for the following reasons:

  1. The inline specifier relaxes the One Definition Rule. This means if the definition appears multiple times, the resulted code is still valid, as long as these definitions are identical. This can sometimes improve code readability, as we can put the definition of a inline constexpr variable near where it is used.
  2. The language standard guarantees that the symbol of the inline constexpr variable is unique in the whole program. So, if someone takes the address of a inline constexpr global variable, the address is unique no matter in which translation unit the address is taken.

Note: functions and static member variables of a class that are specified as being constexpr is inline by default. In those cases, one does not have to add the inline specifier.

Use min() when one should use lowest when dealing with limits of floating point number.

The confusion comes from the fact that when one applies std::numeric_limits<T>::min() to integer types, the function return the minimum value of that type. For example


returns -32768.

The gotcha appears when one tries to apply the function to floating point numbers. For floating point number, the function actually returns the minimal positive number of that type. For example,


yields 1.17549e-38, that is the smallest number that is greater than zero representable by the type of float.

the smallest finite number that can be represented by a number of type float is given by


which will yields -3.40282e+38.

Even experienced C++ programmers can be bitten by this one. Be careful.

use front() to empty containers.

Use front to empty containers is UB in C++. But this happens frequently in real-world C++ code.

The reason why this happens is that it is OK to get the begin iterator of a container even if its is empty. Actually, the language standard guarantees that for an empty container, a, a.begin() == a.end(). Many programmer gets the wrong impression that it is OK to get a reference using front() to a container even if it is empty as long as he does not try to access the object referenced by the return value of front().

One takeawy: Stick to iterators.

Unnecessary usage of to_string.

The family of to_string() functions are supposed to provide replacements for sprintf() with corresponding format specifiers. If one only wants to output some numbers on screen, he can just go with ostream. It is not only that to_string is redundant in this case (one does not have to first get a string from to_string() to output a number), but the resulted output can be different. Consider the following example:

#include <iostream>
#include <sstream>
#include <string>

int main()
    double f = 23.43;
    double f2 = 1e-9;
    double f3 = 1e40;
    double f4 = 1e-40;
    double f5 = 123456789;

    std::string f_str = std::to_string(f);
    std::string f_str2 = std::to_string(f2); // Note: returns "0.000000"
    std::string f_str3 = std::to_string(f3); // Note: Does not return "1e+40".
    std::string f_str4 = std::to_string(f4); // Note: returns "0.000000"
    std::string f_str5 = std::to_string(f5);

    std::ostringstream oss;
    oss << f << '\n'
            << f2 << '\n'
            << f3 << '\n'
            << f4 << '\n'
            << f5 << '\n';
    std::cout << oss.str() << '\n';

    std::cout  << f_str  << "\n"
               << f_str2 << "\n"
               << f_str3 << "\n"
               << f_str4 << "\n"
               << f_str5 << '\n';

This program will print the following:



We can see that the ostream functions have more sensible defaults, producing more human-friendly output. Another thing to notice is that for small numbers, the to_string() function produces results that are less precise. This is probably the price to pay to be exactly compatible with C’s sprintf() function.