John Z. Li’s programming corner
This is my personal Github pages site. I use it as a technical blogging platform. All posts are about programming or things that are programming related:
Sometimes, when I learn a thing or two about programming and I like to write it down as a means of note-taking. I might also put it on this website so that I can access it from anywhere with an internet connection. Posts of this type are not meant to serve as tutorials for learning programming.
Sometimes, when I feel an urge to rant about a programming language, a programming tool, or anything related with programming, I tend to write down what I have in mind at the time. Posts of this type are just my personal opinions, and subject to my own biases.
Sometimes, I talk about programming problems arising in certain scientific/engineering domains, possibly numerical methods, computer aided control system design or robotics. Posts of this type don’t follow rules of academic writing. References might be omitted for the sake of brevity.
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